
God’s Message to women

In Genesis -Bereshit- 2:7 the Great God of Heaven formed man from the dust of the earth. The Hebrew word for formed is ” Yasar” – meaning mold like a potter or squeeze into shape.” However, an ( exclusively) different word is used when when it comes to Eve’s construction in Genesis -Bereshit – 2:22. When God made Eve – Chavavvah – , the Hebrew word “banah” is used and means ” skillfully formed.” Eve was squeezed out, formed and carefully molded. From the beginning, God’s treatment of Eve was super super special…. with care and gentleness. Genesis 3:20 tells that Adam called his wife “chavvah” – because she mother of all living. Part 1 of 3 Thank you Lord

Christian mother’s you have a very special birthright you are divine citizens with a divine heritage and birthright. Esau treated his birthright lightly and final sold it for a bowl stew. Mothers can sell this spiritual birthright also by feeling that their only place is in a kitchen cooking stew. You can be good housewives, but you also have a divine heritage to minister in your situation. 2 of 3
Rev. James.

Fathers,sons and daughters, let us remember our mothers as even our Lord Messiah Yeshua did in His dying breath upon the cross. No greater earthy love beside our Lord can we experience that of our mothers love. The love of husband and wives may waver; brothers and sisters may become deep-rooted enemies, but a mother love is so strong and unyielding that it usually endures all circumstances, good fortune and misfortune, prosperity and poverty, honour and disgrace. Happy Mother day Part 3 of 3 When I created the heaven and the earth, I spoke them into being.
Rev, James

In conclusion as we can see it’s import that this Mother’s day we spend time with our mothers, grandmothers and grandmas. Don’t forget to give them a hug and tell them that you love them because without mom our grandma and great grandma,We would be here. And they are very special in the eyes of God. 2015
Rev. James

The Spirit’s Job Descripton

Having look at the various activities of the -Holy Spirit -as revealed in the Tanakh, it is helpful to compare them with the functions the -Spirit- performs in the -writing of the Apostle:

1. Teaching

Nehemiah 9:20 is only one of many verses in the Tanakh that make it clear that the -Holy Spirit- was given by God to instruct the people, to admonish them and lead them in truth. Yeshua, Himself, makes the very same claim in John 16:13, when He, states that the -Holy Spirit -will guide His people into all truth.

2. Faith

In Galatians 5 faith, or faithfulness as it is more it is more aptly translated, is found among the nine characteristics called the fruit of the -Spirit – . As Christians we believe that these characteristics will manifest themselves in the life of the believe because of the presence of the -Holy Spirit-.
In Hebrew 11, we find a list of ” old Testament ” saints whose live of service to the God of Israel were made possible by faith.

3. Prophecy

As mentioned earlier,the Jewish sages have taught that prophetic utterance is evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit. Moses himself is recorded in Number 11 as saying, ” oh that all the Lord’s people were prophets and that would put His Spirit!” (v29). Paul made a similar statement when he encouraged all the believers in Yeshua to seek the gift of prophecy (1Cor 14:1). This gift, he says, is for the edification of other believe, a clear indication that the _Holy Spirit _ is present.

4. Ruach

It is interesting to not that the -Hebrew word most often used for Spirit in the Tanakh is -Ruach. It means breath or wind. Often, it refers to loud, intrusive breathing through the nose. It is used in Exodus to describe an exceedingly strong west wind. The Greek word pneuma can be translated in exactly the same ways. In other words, the Spirit of the Lord in the Tanakh is powerful and mighty like a blast of strong wind…exactly as the Spirit presented Himself to those early believe on Pentecost. Rev. James

You as a Gentiles need to think on this

We are indeed living in those days. God’s promised restoration and regathering are well under way. Million of Jewish people are their way back home from the nations and as prophesied in Isaiah 49:22, You as Gentiles have the privilege of helping these prophesies be fulfilled.

These are the days when God is pouring His Spirit out on all sweeps the globe and million are coming to believe in the God of Israel. These are the days when each of us has a choice to make.

Part 2

Will you partner with God and be a part of the amazing and exciting things He is doing? Or will you stay focused on your own individual needs,forgetting that your faithfulness to Him requires you to look beyond yourselves? Will you bold stand for the nation of Israel, supporting the Jewish people? And will you embrace the promise of the Zechariah, Not by might nor by power, but by May Spirit says the Lord of hosts. Zech 4:6

Messiah Gave Himself

He who gave -Himself -for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father. {Galatians} 1v4

There can never be a greater gift than what our Messiah,the Lord Yeshua gave. He not only has given us forgiveness,salvation and all spiritual blessings, He gave HIMSELF! The spotless, perfect, glorious Only-Begotten son of Almighty God gave His life, substituting Himself in our place to suffer the righteous judgment of the Most Holy Lord God for our sins. Rev. James

Six time this wonderful affirmation is found in GOD’S living word. When the MESSIAH YESHUA gave HIMSELF,HE paid the price to deliver us from this present evil world into the eternal word to come,. This promise exceedingly intense and personal…the Lord Jesus “love” me and gave HIMSELF for me.’ Galatians 2:20 The gift YESHUA HA’MASHIACH gave is more precious and everlasting that any the world could ever give. Rev. James

THE LORD YESHUA’S gift is the SUPREME SACRIFICE MESSIAH also has loved us, and given HIMSELF for us, an offering and a sacrifice to GOD for a sweet – smelling aroma Ephesian 5:2 The PRECIOUS SACRIFICE. has brought us to HIMSELF, for CHRIST also loved the church, and gave for her-that HE might present her to HIMSELF a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be HOLY and without blemish. Ephesian 5: 25-27 Rev. James

KING YESHUA JESUS ,THE MESSIAH OF ISRAEL, the LORD OF GLORY gave HIMSELF for us, that HE might redeem us from every lawless deed and for HIMSELF HIS own special people, zealous for good works. -Titus 2:14- Such great love the Great & Might Creator has for us, more could HE do? Rev. James

March 28 2015

Shalom it was a very good Sabbath I went to messianic congregation. I have been there for a while; presence of the lord was very presence was there. After the service I met a very special brother we had a very special conversation. I gave him my phone number, Look forward to having a deep conversation with him. May God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Israel bless you, and your household as you follow him. Rev. James. Portal of Heaven ministries

Passover has not end when the -Jewish left Egypt. Jewish and Gentiles left Egypt at the sometime . Passover is an individual, all have to go through our own Passover Jew and Gentiles a like. So this Passover season let us examine our shelves this Passover, and leave Egypt behind. Rev. James March 30/2015

The Four Cups of Passover

The 1st cup is the cup of -Sanctification. I will bring you out from under the burdens Symbolizing how the Lord has freed us from the yoke of burdens and cares of this word. He the Lord wants to take our load. Ex 4:22-23 We only can serve one master at a time Egypt or the Lord we can not do both. Rev. James March 30/ 2015

Yeshua is saying to us

Can you now comprehend why I say, The words which I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are lift They convey the very essence of my gracious Spirit to you. If you take them in and believe them, they impart the very energy of my own eternal life to you. Receive my word. Taste my word. Ruminate in my word. You are in me, and I am in you. Rev. James as we take His words to our heart and do as He said we will have victory

The 2nd cup. Is about our -Deliverance : I will rescue you out of their bondage, The Lord not not only lifted off the yoke we sometime we carry that yoke we need not to carry. He the Lord also broke the chains that ties us to the world. Read Romans 6:16 as you read it let the Lord talk to you. Their loads been removed. their ankle chains are broken. But they are not free till God pays their redemption price. You and me need to lit Him Yeshua do His job and remove the chain that hold our hands and ankle from worship Him and having that break through to remove the chains. Rev. James April 1/2015

The 3rd cup at -Passover was the cup of -Redemption I will redeem you with an outstretched arm. New American Standard Psalm 136: 12 Deuteronomy 26:8 Isaiah 59:1 Jeremiah 27:5 Exodus 13:3 Romans 3:23-24 Gal 5:1 Luke 23:24 Jeremiah 32:17 His outstretched is stretching out to you. Rev. James

The 4th cup is the day that all -Believers in Yeshua is look ahead to when the Lord will return and call us to His dinner table and -acceptance us as Jew and Gentle to the table and then He will drink the forth cup of -Acceptance as He accepts us as His own. Rev. James April 3/2015

Praise God from whom all blessing flow Praise Him, all creature here below Praise Him,above, ye heaven heavenly host Praise Father, son,Holy Ghost. Thomas Ken -Public Domain April 6/2015

July 18-2015
Christian Mom’s this is to you.

You have a very special blessing. When God created you he had a divine purpose for you and a divine heritage. Mothers you have an ever special gift given by God to bear children and nursed them as they grow up. You can also minister using your spiritual gifts to guide his sons and daughters in a special way as mother only can do. So ladies mothers and grandmothers and woman in general. When God created when God created you as I said earlier you are specially chosen to give birth and carrying children inside your womb. That’s why most mothers have a natural instinct and blessing that dads do not have. So ladies don’t be embarrassed about your gifting’s when it comes to given birth and nursing. Just to broaden the picture fathers he also have an important role believe it or not as the mother nurtures and does her job that God dedicated to her to do. It’s the father’s job to do his job by being an assistant to the mom as they do their job then you do your job by helping out when it’s needed. Also father’s it’s your job to pray with them spend time with them read to them. In most Jewish families sunset on Friday they have a meal that was prepared the day before. On a Friday the first thing that happens gather around the table the wife says a prayer of blessing by lighting the candles and pray then the father breaks it then the father prays over his wife by thanking God for his wife, second the father prays over his son for a for a wife. Then he prays over his daughter for a godly husband.

Rev. James