The subject is so important that fasting and praying often need. Acts 1:8 Every believer is born of the (Spirit) Jn 3:6,8(Jn7:38,39), you must ask in faith and expect to receive. Lk 11:13 Acts 2:1,4 waiting, is an act of obedience to Yeshua. Sometime you/ me must be obedience and wait. When it comes to the wife or a husband we need to pray, and when it comes to a job. Lk 24:49 – 1Tim 4:14 In the N.T Ananias laid hands on Saul of Tarls. We can do the same open the eyes of men and women are on the borderline to accept Christ or not we can pray with and remove the skills from their heart. Acts 9:17
The Holy Spirit and you.
You can hear the Holy Spirit.
You can follow the Holy Spirit
You can understand the will of God through the Holy Spirit
You can obey the word of God by the Holy Spirit
As we can see the importance to understand The Person Holy Spirit of The Holy Spirit.