God’s fall festivals

he fall festivals speak of a future time when men will again tabernacle with God, when He will dwell with them and they with Him (Rev 21:3). They speak of a day in which all nations will gather to Jerusalem (Zech 8:22, 14:16). And Bible prophecy tells us that people from the nations of the world will come up to …

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God’s Message To Women

God’s Message To Women In Genesis (Bereshit) 2:7 The great God (ELOHIN) our creator of Heaven formed man from the (dust) of the eath. The (Hebrew) word for formed is (Yasar) meaning (mold like a potter or squeeze into shape) However an exclusively different word is used when it comes to Eve’s construction in Genesis (Bereshit) 2:22 When ELOHIM Our …

The Person of The Holy Spirit

The enemies of the person of the Holy Spirit God the Father has (terrorist) satan God the Son has (terrorist) satan. The Person of the Holy Spirit also has an enemy his name is satan. Satan also has many terrorist troops working for him. Satan is the Holy Sprit’s fiercest enemy. Now let us look at some scriptures. Satan tries …

The Person of the Holy Spirit 2

Personally, of the Holy Spirit let us look at this in a way we never did before and see how the Holy Spirit guides us. A blind man and woman feel face in order to recognize people. Our friend and loved ones know the voice of our Lord with the help of His Holy Spirit. He also guilds us as …

The person of the Holy Spirit Pt 3

The subject is so important that fasting and praying often need. Acts 1:8 Every believer is born of the (Spirit) Jn 3:6,8(Jn7:38,39), you must ask in faith and expect to receive. Lk 11:13 Acts 2:1,4 waiting, is an act of obedience to Yeshua. Sometime you/ me must be obedience and wait. When it comes to the wife or a husband …

The Truth

The divinity of Jesus is the central truth of the Bible. It is so fundamental that Christianity stands or falls on it. If Jesus was not God in the flesh, then His sacrifice for our sins was meaningless, and we have no hope. Satan is determined to convince Mankind that Jesus was someone other than God in the flesh. In …